NTI Now Offering Self-Hosted Web-Based Enterprise Environment Monitoring System Management Software

Aurora, OH: Network Technologies Inc (NTI) today announced the addition of the Self-Hosted Enterprise Environment Monitoring System Management Software to its popular line of environment monitoring products. The web-based software is used to monitor and configure up to 3,000 ENVIROMUX® E-2D/5D/16D environment monitoring systems and all connected sensors.
E-MNG-SH is a self-hosted software program that provides an easy-to-use, unified interface for monitoring and configuring up to 3,000 E-2D/5D/16D units and all connected sensors (internal, external, and digital input) and output relays via Ethernet. The software is installed on a Windows-based server or computer to actively poll all units for status information and alerts. It displays values and statuses for individual sensors or a list of sensors. Units may be monitored and configured individually or in a group.
The software is self-hosted, which is ideal for use in industries that require local software management solutions for security or data privacy purposes. Any computer, smartphone, or tablet with a web browser can be used to access the software. Access is operating system independent through the HTML5 user interface on the computer/smartphone/tablet's web browser. No clients or special apps need to be installed.
E-MNG-SH supports 1,000 users accessing the software program at the same time. Users can configure their own dashboards to display the data relevant to them and the window arrangement. The dashboards are customizable to display unit status, sensor data, gauges, graphs, and IP camera snapshots.
There are no monthly fees associated with this software. NTI will provide the customer, without charge, copies of any appropriate updates/enhancements for 12 months. This software update service is optionally extendable every twelve months for 20% of list price. Features coming soon in upcoming releases include: support for geographical and floor plan maps; support for live stream video and recording videos from IP cameras; report scheduling and generating PDF reports; push notifications from browser on Android and iPhone smartphones/tablets; and more.
The Self-Hosted Enterprise Environment Monitoring System Management Software is available for a free 30-day evaluation, after which a permanent license activation key must be purchased in order to continue using the software. An evaluation copy of the software can be requested at https://www.networktechinc.com/software-eval-env-sh.html
Available for immediate sale, the E-MNG-SH Self-Hosted Enterprise Environment Monitoring System Management Software costs $715.
For more information on the Self-Hosted Enterprise Environment Monitoring System Management Software, visit https://www.networktechinc.com/environment-monitoring-software.html
For more information on NTIs line of Environment Monitoring Systems, visit http://www.networktechinc.com/enviro-monitor.html
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